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3 Truths in ‘Root Cause’ Movie on Root Canals

3 Truths in ‘Root Cause’ Movie on Root Canals

The Netflix movie “Root Cause” caused quite a stir and not a day goes by that someone comes into my practice and says, ‘I watched that movie on root canals and I want to know if my teeth are ‘infected.’  I have to tell them root canal...
Is The “Root Cause” Movie Right About Root Canals?

Is The “Root Cause” Movie Right About Root Canals?

A lot of my patients have seen The Root Cause movie on Netflix about the perils of root canals.  Does the movie have it right when it comes to root canals being bad for you and causing diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease and strokes?  My answer is...
What’s the Most Important Vitamin for Dental Health?

What’s the Most Important Vitamin for Dental Health?

What’s the most important vitamin for dental health? Many nutrients play a role in a healthy ‘ecosystem’ in the mouth.  However, there is one vitamin that rules them in the oral microbiome, especially when it comes to connective tissue and  gums. ...