760-632-1304 [email protected]

San Diego Holistic Dentist Goes Green for Cleaner Water

‘Going Green’ is about a paradigm shift involving habitual behaviors and small, day to day choices. As Mother Theresa said, “One cannot do great things. One can only do small things with great love”. Every item that we choose to dispose of or conserve has a...

Manufacturer Warns about Mercury Part III

Intrauterine exposure may result in tremors and involuntary movements in the infants. Mercury is excreted in breast milk. Paternal reproductive effects and effects on fertility have been reported in male rats following repeated inhalation exposures. This is the third...

Manufacturer on Mercury Part II

Here is Part II of the quote on mercury from Caulk’s website:                        “Concentrations as low and 0.03 mg/m3 have induced psychiatric symptoms in humans. Renal involvement may be indicated by proteinuria, albuminuria, enzymuria, and anuria....

FDA Mercury Ruling Week

This week I will be posting excerpts from articles and commenting on the  July 28th ruling from the FDA on mercury and dental amalgam safety.   The new classification and comments on their website was somewhat of a disappointment to say the least.  This was a...

Green Dentistry and Ocean Conservation Part 2

https://myholisticdentist.com’s Carey O’Rielly DDS offers his perspective about dentistry’s impact on marine life and on fish consumption in our diet, as well as future issues regarding ocean conservation and environmental health. Carey O’Rielly,...