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A is for Amalgam, part 2

The Food and Drug Administration until recently has maintained the safety of amalgams and refused to classify them. Now, due to a settlement resulting from a lawsuit, they have changed their wording on their website when it comes to ‘mercury’ or amalgam...

B is for: Braces

Braces is the term used when teeth are moved to correct a bad or crowded bite. Braces not only correct crowding and spacing of teeth, they can also correct crossbites and malocclusions, the dental term for a bad bite. In fact braces are usually the best way to correct...

B is for: Bite

The manner in which your teeth come together and how well you chew is known as your ‘bite’. Occlusion is the study of the bite and malocclusion basically means you have an imbalanced or malfunctioning bite with high spots and interferences. Problems with...

B is for: Bacteria

For purposes of oral health there are three main types of bacteria in the mouth you need to know about: Aerobic bacteria live along the gum line and produce the white sticky stuff called plaque by your dentist. It is the stuff that causes gingivitis which is...

A is for: Abscessed Tooth

The symptom of an abscess is swelling that occurs in the gums or lip. It usually is caused by an infection in a tooth or the bone around the tooth. Eventually it will ooze or release pus due to pressure. Causes are periodontal or gum infection, tooth decay that has...

A is for: Anxiety

Anxiety is a huge problem in dentistry. It has been estimated that fully half of the population avoids going to the dentist and the majority of these people don’t go because of fear of pain. In this day and age of ‘modern’ dentistry that is a shame....