760-632-1304 [email protected]

Dentistry, Diet and Disease, part 1

Some months ago I gave a presentation to an international dental association about Dentistry, Diet and Disease Prevention.  I discussed dentistry and its connection to Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (CID’s). As time goes on there is more and more research showing a...

D is for Dental Health

When it comes to your dental health and your overall systemic health, here are some other things to consider.Your dentist is meant to be the practitioner on your health team who is an advocate for preventive care.  It use to be quite common practice for the family...

C is for: Cavity

A cavity is caused by tooth decay or the de-mineralization of tooth structure due to colonized bacteria. Basically it is softened tooth structure that has become a hole or cavity. It usually happens in locations of the tooth where self cleansing takes place with...

C is for Cell

The cell is one of the basic building blocks of the human body and cell biology is a fascinating subject. A lot is known about how cells function but a lot remains a mystery as well. For instance the DNA and RNA combine to make up only about 1.5% of the cells they...

B is for Breathe

The quality and quantity of oxygenation our bodies receive from the air we breathe determines our ability to be energetic and resistant to illness to a large extent, since oxygen is the key ingredient in cellular health.  In the upper respiratory tract, the function...

A is for Amalgam fillings

It is clear that there is strong disagreement between the American Dental Association, Consumer and professional groups and certain physicians regarding the safety  of amalgam fillings.  According to each side, there is research that bears out their position regarding...