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Holistic Dentistry Articles

A is for Amalgam

Amalgam or 'silver' fillings have been the mainstay of modern dentistry ever since the mid 1800's. They are inexpensive, easy to place and last a long time. However, even when they were first introduced there was controversy as to whether or not they should be used....

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B is for: Braces

Braces is the term used when teeth are moved to correct a bad or crowded bite. Braces not only correct crowding and spacing of teeth, they can also correct crossbites and malocclusions, the dental term for a bad bite. In fact braces are usually the best way to correct...

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B is for: Bite

The manner in which your teeth come together and how well you chew is known as your 'bite'. Occlusion is the study of the bite and malocclusion basically means you have an imbalanced or malfunctioning bite with high spots and interferences. Problems with your bite can...

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B is for: Bacteria

For purposes of oral health there are three main types of bacteria in the mouth you need to know about: Aerobic bacteria live along the gum line and produce the white sticky stuff called plaque by your dentist. It is the stuff that causes gingivitis which is...

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A is for Appreciation

Appreciation is among the most positive of attitudes; it effects our mindset and contributes to our overall health.  It's a time-out to recognize what we value and are grateful for. The Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl was a prime example of the transformative...

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A is for: Abscessed Tooth

The symptom of an abscess is swelling that occurs in the gums or lip. It usually is caused by an infection in a tooth or the bone around the tooth. Eventually it will ooze or release pus due to pressure. Causes are periodontal or gum infection, tooth decay that has...

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A is for: Anxiety

Anxiety is a huge problem in dentistry. It has been estimated that fully half of the population avoids going to the dentist and the majority of these people don't go because of fear of pain. In this day and age of 'modern' dentistry that is a shame. There are many...

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A is for: Anesthetics

With dental anesthetics there more choices  today;  many different types are currently available. The common word for dental anesthetics that is most familiar is 'novacaine'. Thirty years ago or so novacaine was widely used, however it is no longer used today....

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A is for Alkaline, Part 2

Most people know the importance of PH and the acid/ alkaline balance in the body. However, I have found that very few people know of the importance of PH in maintaining a healthy mouth. Saliva is like the amniotic fluid for your mouth. It contains immune cells,...

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The Truth About Sugar’s Impact on Our Health, Part 2

Sugar impacts all three of the root causes of ill health: inflammation/autoimmune issues, pathogens and toxicity. The recommendation of the World Health Organization is that we limit sugar intake to no more than 10% of total calories, equal to 4 tablespoons of...

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A is for Acidity and Alkalinity

If you can remember back to your basic chemistry class, acidity and alkalinity is measured by PH values.  A PH value of 7.0 is neutral, values below 7.0 are acidic and PH values above 7.0 are alkaline or basic.  What a great subject to start with, because what could...

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ABC’s of Health and A to Z Holistic Dentistry Updates

www.myholisticdentist.com went live in 2000 and in 2006 was updated again.  It is one of the oldest sites online about holistic dentistry and its impact on lifestyle and wellness.  To celebrate the update of our site and the re-launching of our blog, we will shortly...

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The Truth about Sugar’s Impact on Our Health

There is a lot of confusion about sugar and what kinds of sugars are bad for us. There are two ways to simplify the issue: Processed foods are less desirable than raw, unprocessed foods; so fruit is better than fruit juice and honey is better than sugar. This is...

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Valuable Book on Holistic Dentistry

I ran across a good book written by Nadine Artemis called 'Holistic Dentistry' while at the Longevity Now conference. She was one of the keynote speakers there and has a whole product line of natural dental products. I spoke with her for a few minutes and had a chance...

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A Hidden Cause of Ageing

William Davis, M.D. during his keynote presentation at the Longevity Now Conference brought up an interesting point about the gluten free diet. He said that it is not just about becoming gluten free. That is only half of the battle. Two of his contributions to the...

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