As advocates of health in San Diego with Holistic Dentistry, we understand the reasons why holistic oral care is key in supporting your body’s vitality. Our practice integrates the finest of traditional dentistry with the knowledge that a stunning smile– one that assists you to look and feel your best– contributes even more than you recognize to your general wellness.
Did you know that with time your silver fillings can cause your teeth to fracture?
Find out today about the types of cosmetic work we offer, from replacing your silver filling to complete mouth reorganizing to restore misaligned or missing teeth. When it pertains to removal of your silver fillings, we follow a stringent treatment to keep you from swallowing or inhaling anything that might be poisonous, then we exchange them for durable stunning and natural looking tooth- colored ones.
You’ll discover a tranquil atmosphere at our workplace where we see only one patient at a time. Our clients trust us to deliver outcomes. We listen attentively to all your issues and search for the most well balanced options. Our objective is to interact as a team with you and your family to support the long term goal of happier, healthier smiles.