760-632-1304 [email protected]

This photo is of a porcelain crown seated with a newer generation dental cement made to be strong and biocompatible.  Can you tell which tooth has the crown on it?  It is very difficult even with a close up lens. This result is only possible when I do 3 very specific things.  After years of using different porcelains, crown materials and cements, what I’m about to tell you is what works the best.  The 3 steps below are mandatory if you similar results to that in the picture:

  • Use the latest porcelain materials
  • Use bio-friendly cosmetic bonding agents
  • Take pictures with a close up lens and ring flash and send them to a high end lab for custom shading.

Let me tell you exactly what I did.  This crown was made with Emax porcelain which lets the light shine through it to appear more life like and natural.  Then I used a bonding agent that is tooth colored and blended it with the adjacent teeth.  What I like about this cement is that it is biocompatible having no Bisphenol A (BPA) or fluoride. This is pretty much unheard of for crown cements.  Most of them have BPA or fluoride or both. As you may know BPA is a homone disrupter, as it mimics estrogen in the body.  Fluoride is considered toxic at fairly low levels.  While the fluoride or BPA released from one crown is not enough to hurt you, it is the total exposure from all sources I am worried about. For instance, if you have many crowns and drink filtered water from plastic bottles for instance, your exposure to BPA may be higher.  Why should this matter?  Well, if you are not paying attention you may be getting exposed to more BPA than you realize.  There are many sources of BPA, as it is used to make plastics, including the water bottles many use for their filtered water.  The following may be bad news for many of you, but research has linked BPA to health conditions like:

  • Reproductive disorders in women by affecting egg maturation
  • Heart disease in all adults, but particularly women
  • Changes is sex hormones in men
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Brain function and learning
  • Breast cancer
  • Asthma

I’ve noticed that a certain percentage of my patients seem to be affected by dental materials.  Why not be safe and use materials that have been shown to be more biocompatible?  Eliminate BPA, fluoride, mercury and in fact all metals when possible.  More on other dental materials and metals in a later post.