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G is for the Gum-Gut-Brain Axis

Food is the Best Medicine for Gum Disease and Gum Care And A Wholesome Diet Is Also Good for the Brain Gum disease can be elusive. By the time symptoms appear, the disease is already advanced.  It is estimated that as much as 80% of the population is affected by gum...

D is for Dental Cavities

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defines dental cavities or “caries” as the “result of bacteria on teeth that breakdown foods and produce acid that destroys tooth enamel and results in tooth decay”. I see the result of sugar and poor diet...

C is for Calcium

Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the earth’s crust and makes up more than 3% of the crust. Classified chemically in Group 2 of the periodic table as one of the alkaline, metallic earth elements, it does not occur as the metal itself in nature and...

Does Whitening Cause Decalcification

Whiter. brighter teeth is all the rage these days.  It is something most everyone can do to improve the overall appearance of your teeth and smile.  Most bleaching systems today use some form of carbamide peroxide, which is different than the type you usually get for...

PH and Dental Health

Acid Alkaline balance is important for our health.  It is no different for our mouths.  To moniter PH of the mouth is very easy.  Go down to a health food store and ask for pHydrion PH paper.  If they don’t have it, you can send away for it.  It should cost in...