I’m so glad you came to my website to learn about healthy and holistic dentistry. If you are like me you are interested in finding out how dentistry can contribute or detract from your overall health. The health of your mouth really does have a profound effect on your health over time.
- I see one patient at a time and make sure that your care goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
- Second, I listen to you as my patient so that the treatment can be tailored to your needs and wants. I find that the more I listen the smoother the treatment goes. You are always fully informed of your options and included in the process.
- Third, we don’t use metal and have a strict protocol when old metal fillings and composites are removed. We take precautions to ensure that you won’t swallow heavy metals like mercury or chemicals from plastic like BPA.
- Fourth, we take the time to show you what bacteria and parasites you have in your mouth and more importantly what to do about it. These are bacteria that cause inflammation and gum disease in your mouth. They also cause inflammation in your body when they leak into your blood stream. The good news is that these bacteria are easy to get rid of if you know what to do, without resorting to expensive and painful deep cleanings or surgery.
- Fifth, we have worked very hard to have an environmentally friendly and non toxic environment for our patients. We have extensive filtration, ventilation and a steam sterilizer instead of a chemical sterilizer. We find that most of our patients want to be in a supportive and clean environment that doesn’t have a chemical smell to it.
- We use homeopathics, essential oils, flower essences and nutrition to promote healing and create a positive experience.
- Lastly our office is calm and family based. It is a nice place to be in as it is on a green belt overlooking trees and flowers. More than anything else we enjoy what we do and are totally focused on you as our patient and your needs.
- When you are here you will feel that you are getting the benefit of Dr O’s 30 years of experience, Victoria’s 20 years as case manager and study of Integrative Health, and Patty’s 12 years as Dr O’s assistant and training as a foreign dentist.
If you are looking for an integrated team that is solely focused on supporting you to have optimal health, give us a call. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you for your interest. All the best,
Carey ORielly, DDS
Integrative Dentistry
[email protected]