Last weekend’s worldwide March Against Monsanto should have focused media attention on consumer concerns about GMO’s. Millions of people came out to protest the threat of GMO’S ‘to the world food supply. Unfortunately the major channels...
Following are two videos of local activism efforts to protect our food supply from corporate takeover by Monsanto and other similarly motivated companies. Monsanto is the creator of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), which are engineered to withstand...
Saturday, May 24th marks a worldwide focus on activism against GMO’s, with the March Against Monsanto taking place in 350 cities. Every major city in the United States will be participating in this public expression of activism, along with others on six...
A stunning fact revealed in the youtube video 10 Facts About Fluoride is that more people ingest fluoride in the United States than in the entire rest of the world. In this video, uploaded in April 2013, Michael Connett, attorney for the Fluoride Action Network,...
To further research dentistry’s impact on conservation, Dr. O’Rielly met with Al Dube’, Vice President of SolmeteX Corporation at the California Dental Association’s convention in June 2009. SolmeteX Corporation is a company providing amalgam...
Conservation of ocean water requires renewed focus on the trash, bacteria and toxic chemicals that not only impact people but also threaten ocean wildlife: sea turtles, otters and sea birds. According to the United Nations Environmental Programme, a million seabirds...