This decade has seen a lot of improvement in laser technology and applications. Nowhere is this more evident than within medicine and dentistry.
A decade ago lasers were large, expensive and somwhat experimental as they had not yet stood the test of time. The research was just not available and doctors were not experienced enough in proper applications and usage. Those days are gone. Lasers are proving to be a valuable tool for oral health in treating and resolving certain dental conditions and problems.
The most obvious use for lasers is soft tissue remodeling or cutting. Another is applying light energy at specific wavelengths to stimulate tissue and promote healing. This is called biostimulation and makes tissue respond around 25% better than it normally would without the aid of a laser.
This really helps when dealing with gum inflammation or gum disease. The bacteria that causes gingivitis and the inflammation that ensues causes tissue damage and breakdown, eventually leading to bone loss and loose teeth. With lasers it is possible to control the environment where the bacteria has gotten a foothold and colonized. It does this by killing a large percentage of the bacteria and by stimulating the gums to heal more quickly resulting in tightening of the gum tissue and pocket elimination.
In the study ‘Treatment of periodontal pockets with a diode laser’ done by the Dental School of the University of Vienna, Austria, the researchers examined the effectiveness of lasers in treating gum disease. Their conclusion was that the laser kills bacteria and helps to reduce inflammation in the gums when combined with oral hygiene. To quote the article, “The diode laser therapy, in combination with scaling, supports healing of the periodontal pockets through eliminating bacteria.”
Dr. Carey O’Rielly is a holistic dentist in San Diego, California who truly understands and practices the tenets of holistic health, both as a practitioner and in his personal life. His remarkable knowledge of the field came about through years of study and experience, initiated by his own work-related health challenges.